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DM Spirit Week Participants

KSI Uppish 7

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Award: Spirit Week Participant 

Reasoning: All of these members participated in one or more events during Spirit Week!



KSI UppishB592 @KSI UppishB592 BO4 Melees, Minecraft, R6S Secure Area

KSI Soap 7 @Soap God BO4 Melees

KSI Fats McGee @KSI Fats McGee BO4 Melees, Halo

KSI Funtime Foxy @KSI FuntimeFoxy Minecraft

Infinityhunt @Infinityhunt Overwatch

KSI Trixie @Trixie Brawlhalla

KSI Ezed24 @EzeD24 BO4 Hc dom

KSI BLK JAK 7 @ksijakripper Minecraft

KSI NightDaff @KSI NightDaff R6S Secure Area

KSIxROMEO 7 @KSIxROMEO 7Minecraft, Karaoke

KSI MeShell 7 @KSI MeShell 7 Karaoke

Luminairus @Luminairus Karaoke

KSI ninja dm80 @KSI ninja dm80 Halo

KSI TyraTreXxus @TyraTrexXus Brawlhalla

HUNTERKING555 @Hunterking R6S Secure Area

KSI Fax @KSI Fax BO4 HC Dom

KSI xRonin4896x @KSI Ronin9 Uno

KSI Vonner 77 @KSI Fear Meta 7 Halo

KSI Atriox @KSI Atriox Halo

KSI Blocky @KSI Blocky Rocket League

KSI Jupiter 7 @KSI Jupiter 7 Rocket League

Frvnchise @Voodoo iTL Rocket League

KSI Radi0active @Radioactive KIA R6S Bomb

KSI SoulTrain @KSI Soultrain R6S Bomb

KSI TimberKing @KSI TiMBERKiNG Brawlhalla

KSI Dragons 7 @Dragons 7 BO4 HC Dom

KSI Mitch @KSI Mitch Overwatch

KSI Dawnstar @Dawnstar BO4 HC Dom

KSIsupermonkey3 @KSIsupermonkey3 Minecraft

KSI Direwolf @DireWolf R6S Secure Area

KSI Gaming20 @brayden R6S Bomb

Stevie Schroder @KSI Renegade22 R6S Bomb

KSI Skullcru5her @KSI SKULCRUSHER Halo


There are others who do not have Forums Accounts:

ManualGalaxy289 R6S secure area

Skully XV R6S Bomb


I will post if any of these members make a Forums account 

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18 hours ago, KSI UppishB592 said:

Award: Spirit Week Participant 

Reasoning: All of these members participated in one or more events during Spirit Week!



KSI UppishB592 @KSI UppishB592

KSI Soap 7 @Soap God

KSI Fats McGee @KSI Fats McGee

KSI Funtime Foxy @KSI FuntimeFoxy

infinityhunt @Infinityhunt

KSI Trixie @Trixie

KSI Ezed24 @EzeD24

KSI BLK JAK 7 @ksijakripper

KSI NightDaff @KSI NightDaff


KSI MeShell 7 @KSI MeShell 7

Luminairus @Luminairus

KSI ninja dm80 @KSI ninja dm80

KSI TyraTreXxus @TyraTrexXus

HUNTERKING555 @Hunterking

KSI Fax @KSI Fax

KSI xRonin4896x @KSI Ronin9

KSI Vonner 77 @KSI Fear Meta 7

KSI Atriox @KSI Atriox

KSI Blocky @KSI Blocky

KSI Jupiter 7 @KSI Jupiter 7

Frvnchise @Voodoo iTL

KSI Radi0active @Radioactive KIA

KSI SoulTrain @KSI Soultrain


KSI Dragons 7 @Dragons 7

KSI Mitch @KSI Mitch

KSI Dawnstar @Dawnstar

KSIsupermonkey3 @KSIsupermonkey3

 KSI Direwolf @DireWolf

KSI Gaming20 @brayden

Stevie Schroder @KSI Renegade22


There are others who do not have Forums Accounts:


KSI Skullcru5her

Skully XV


I will post if any of these members make a Forums account 

I need a specific event that each member participated in, as well as a leader from the division that can verify these members did in fact participate in these events during spirit week.

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