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May Upload Studio Montage Comp. Voting

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Hey Productions Team!

We had 4 members submit montages to the May Upload Studio Montage Competition:

  • KSI VENUM 7:


  • KSI xKami 77:



  • KSI VIP3R:



  • Lord Sneakyjack 

https://gameclips.io/Lord Sneakyjack/6ef83624-c09b-44ca-95ec-7633c7ff626a


You can go to the links below their name to watch the montages. 


Please use the following template to cast your votes,







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First: VIPER

Reasonings: {Cut}

Second: Venum

.Reasonings: {Cut}

Third: SneakyJack (only because I'm adding a 4th.)

Reasonings: {Cut}

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First: VIP3R

Reasoning: Most impressive cod clips i’ve seen in a long time

Second: VENUM 7

Reasoning: I haven’t ever played Madden but i can tell that those clips were really impressive 

Third: Sneakyjack

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First: vip3r

Reasoning: the best showing of clips that i seen 

Second: sneakyjack 

Reasoning: i liked the veratity of the clips 

Third: kami 

Reasoning: i think they were good but not the best 

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First: KSI VIP3R

Reasoning: Pretty good plays on Multiplayer and Warzone. Lots of clips edited into an action packed montage!

Second: KSI VENUM 7

Reasoning: Not a huge fan of sports but I saw some good plays and actually knew what was going on. 

Third: Lord Sneakyjack

Reasoning: Nice variety of clips, longer montage but still kept my attention. 

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First: VENUM


Reasoning: overall theme was great. The clips were really interesting and great plays. Was fast paced for what it was.


Second: VIPER


Reasoning: Could’ve done better with transitions but overall it was good. It’s good to see multiple different things rather than the same kill watched 10 times.


Third: lord sneakyjack


Reasoning: not a big fan of battlefields slow pace but this montage made it enjoyable for me. 

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