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Posts posted by FinestLattice98

  1. 4 hours ago, KSI Gambit 7 said:

    Applicant currently does not meet the required friend count for this community (20+)

    Application is currently on hold until Requirements are met.


    I was actually at work when I filled this out and I would like to request the division CD and squad prodigy please I apologize 




    -Basic information-


    Please list your Current GamerTag:  


    Please list All Previous GamerTags: 

    KSI Sp1nal Tap




    Age (Minimum age to join KSI is 15): 20


    What games do you play regularly and prefer to be playing (any platform)?:

    NBA 2k18  ,Call of duty WW II 

    How many hours per week do you play on average?:


    Contact Information? *Email-/-skype ect___NO telephone numbers please*:




    In a few short sentences please explain what you are looking forward to in KSI?:  I am looking forward to playing with new players , making friends, showing leadership. I was a 2LT in my other squad




    What Division and Squad are you interested in joining and Why? Note: you are free to state "Any" division if you have no preference*:




    -Background information-


    How did you hear about KSI?: I was previously in ksi years ago I joined a call of duty lobby and started playing with ksi 


    How did you hear about this KSI website?:

    Another ksi Member

    Have you ever been apart of KSI previously and when?:

    Yes and years ago I can’t remember when 

    If yes, what was the name of the squad and division?:

    I can not remember the name of squad 

    Why have you left KSI on previous occasions? (NOTE: Please provide an answer for each time if you have left KSI on multiple occasions):

    I left because I was having personal issues in my life and had to get it together 

    Have you ever been denied entry/reentry into KSI? (If so, please specify the date, reason, and provide a link to the application if possible):




    Please list ANY and ALL previous clans/communities you have been a part of: none


    What time frame were you in the other clans for?:


    When did you leave these clans/communities?:


    Are you still a member of any of those clans or communities?:




    Have you ever been Blacklisted-/-Banned-/-Kicked-/-Removed from any KSI  Division or Squad or any clans or communities? *separate answers please*:

    No I have not

    If Blacklisted, what was the reason?:


    If DNH'd what was the reason?


    If Kicked-/-removed from Squad or Division Why?:


    Would you say you have left past clans on good terms?






    Can you accept the fact that KSI is a structured organization and requires the ability to work with over 100+ team-mates?

    I accept 



    Are you able to respect leaders who have been put in place, while recognizing that those leaders come from all walks of life and may hold opposing beliefs and/or life choices and stay level headed regarding such?




    Do you plan on taking advantage of any of the KSI learning programs? *Graphics - Leadership Development - Web Administration, Etc?:




    Do you have a history of cheating or boosting on games? NOTE: Does not bar you from joining, length of time since last unethical action considered:




    Have you read and do you fully understand and also agree to uphold the KSI Code of Conduct along with the XBOX Live Terms of service?:




    Any extra comments

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