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    KSI HANGx2xLOW reacted to Astraillix in Head Hunters Season 2019 - Game Selection Poll   
    I mean I like smite and if bo4 wasnt an option Id love to play smite for hh instead but bo4 is an option lol
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    KSI HANGx2xLOW reacted to Brnk Atom in Head Hunters Season 2019 - Game Selection Poll   
    Objective Based: Search & Destroy, Hardpoint, Control/Domination for BO4. Would be amazing to see some restrictions like CWL/GB's rules. Not competitive to see a whole team of strobe light shotgunners.
  3. Upvote
    KSI HANGx2xLOW reacted to Bio Zhi in Head Hunters Season 2019 - Game Selection Poll   
    heist is a bad competitive game mode for HH and doesn't take much effort to play and the games would consist of the same thing for almost every team, which would make a boring stream.
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    KSI HANGx2xLOW got a reaction from KSI Cherry 7 in TB: Black Ops 4 FFA (11/23/18)   
    KSI Tyche
  5. Haha
    KSI HANGx2xLOW reacted to Astraillix in So You Think You Can Write - October 2018   
    Black Panther - @KSI Deimos Why: He is secretly Japanese just like the king of Wakanda is secretly black panther and has technology from the year 2200. Honestly Deimos is the quiet sneaky guy so I feel like he would do good as a loki but since he can be trusted to watch your back in a team event he gotta be black panther. Deimos hides in the shadows just like how he lurks behind Zelus deadly knight of the night. Can come from nowhere and smash your dreams to the ground by suddenly getting a kill streak and taking first place, Even shooting you in the back before you get the final game winning kill or just straight eating all you bullets before turning  around and mowing you down like you weren't ever there. Captain America - @Bio Zhi Why: Basically is the leader of avengers and zelus is the leader of are trio (Zelus, Aion and Deimos = trio) in a way as me and Deimos joined his squad and division and he is normally the shot caller for his teams in events/tournaments and always planning these major sweeps of the tournaments for ww2 or other call of duty event. Since he does the planning and leads the execution making him the leader Zelus is thus are Captain America. Dr Strange - Future dt Why: Well as his name suggests he can see the future just like Dr Strange. Future is a strange creature who always likes to make no sense and is unfathomable at the best of times just like how Dr Stange is a master of the arcane arts which are vastly complex and hard to understand. However this often leads to good and enjoyable times for all as long as you are not too serious or stressed out.  Gamora - KSI LostHyperion Why: He is the A representation of Gamora in infinity war. In it to win it but dies for the team and the greater good just before the end similar to Hyperion's experience in Fall Classic. In it to win it gets spawn trapped by me and Zelus near the end finally being eliminated just before the final Match but allowing me and zelus to move on by killing him effectively taking 1 for the team and allowing WD to win 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the WW2 FFA. The Hulk - KSI x Desolate Why: Just like Banner claims to always be angry Desolate is always mad and when Hulk smashes Desolate rages. The only difference is Banner turns green less. However even though Hulk Smashes and Bashes destroying all in site and making everyone run for the hills at first sight People still like him more than thor and respect him more than thor. Its always a good time with the Big green guy and as we found out in ragnorok Hulk is a nice lonely hunk of green greatness. Desolate has the rage but he also have the friends just like hulk desolate might rage but its normally over the same things everyone else does in a call of duty games just he expresses it a bit more than others but we still love him all the same (Just a side not Im 100% straight and not into guys). Iron man - KSI WaviestSnow Why: Just like Iron man is a lost leader trying to do what is right but not always succeeding in a perfect way and thus not gaining everyone's total admiration and acknowledgement Waviest is a great guy you tries hard as a leader in KSI always willing to help and do his part but sometimes feels like he is a lost puppy that you just wanna pick up and walk home. Good guy that you can get along with easily and always active and giving to the community just like Iron man sets up charities and learning courses in the MCU. You could say Waviest is WDs Iron man  Loki - @KSI Cherry 7 Why: I mean its a school teacher that plays xbox nerds on discord and has rick and morty for a profile picture on discord. Refusing to reveal any of this information to the students you could say Cherry leads a double life where teacher Cherry disguises the epic video gaming nerd as a teacher. If the truth was ever revealed to the class people would stare in shock as the students go WTF aren't you just a boring teacher that does nothing other than ruin are lives. Its villainous how the lies have lead to the double of cherry the gamer and cherry the teacher kinda like how loki is all about disguise and hiding (also cherry says loki is the best).  Star-Lord (Peter Quill) - Why: Thanos - @Kalakoi Why: Always loves to come rain on the parade throwing out unneeded facts or just stopping you from having a good time like the evil Thanos. If he hasnt shot you with that shotgun when your on a high streak you maybe dont feel he is evil enough to be Thanos and all I can say glad your not on the other side of that 'CLICK' of a button. Although he is an Evil Villain we all hate we also Love him for bring us Avengers Infinity War making him a hero to all are hearts just like Kalakoi is a hero to WD for repping us at the fall classic and supporting the division as a 77 those you cant really hate the guy some we call him have first 2 letters of Hate and the last 2 of Love.  Thor - @KSI HANGx2xLOW Why: Just liek thor Hang is your uninvited 2nd cousin that half your friends hate but you love it when he shows as you can rely on him going big. Always a luagh with hang like it is with the thor movies Hang will bring good times and hang with the group. Nearly impossible to get a response from him on Discord just like for the avengers trying to contact thor from earth nearly impossible. In the end he comes in like a storm and leaves like a bigger storm thats why he is Thor King of Asgard and God of Thuder for he is mighty (Must be really easy being king of Asgard before Hang Low got there). 
  6. Upvote
    KSI HANGx2xLOW got a reaction from Kalakoi in Destiny 2 Head Hunters Tryouts Sign ups   
    Wd vanquish 
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