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KSI ClutchKing 2 awards (1/2 Awarded)

KSI ClutchKing

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Name: KSI ClutchKing Divsion-WI
Link to Forums Account: KSI ClutchKing
Award-/-Achievement: 1.Gamer Score Hoarder 2.Gamerscore master

Reason-/-Evidence: i have been playing games on xbox for a long time and am free to say and addict. Many people can check my profiles gamerscore on my account and add me which is KSI ClutchKing. Also many people have seen my gamersscore or have checked my profile like witness KSI Doctor 7 KSI Domo KSI xSmannx KSI vengence, and lastly any KSI on my friends list.

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  • Admin Guy

yes to gamerscore hoarder: he has over 20K gamerscore




no to Gamerscore Master: does not have the 50,000 Gamerscore Requirement

Please do not say yes or no to these, as it implies that you are on staff, and you do not dictate whether they receive awards or not. Though, I thank you for the image you have provided.

Yes to Gamerscore Hoarder. No to Gamerscore Master.



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