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KSI Lil Freddy Production Application

KSI Lil Freddy

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Gamertag: KSI Lil Freddy




E-mail: Heathyf0269@gmail.com




Recording device (if any):Elgato Card Card HD60


Please list your strengths: Public Speaking,Streaming, and Leadership


Programs you are familiar with (if any):N/A


What can you do for KSI Productions? : I want to help with live streaming if possible, i have a strong ability to talk to other and team work what I look forward to.


A Sample video (if any):N/A


Additional comments:Soon i will be getting a Kinect for the Xbox one and i was hoping i could help with live streams on the Xbox one. Im Always looking for improvements just need someone to kinda help with that!

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Hey Freddy,

Sorry for the late replay the forums have been down for me this past week. Do you have any clips or samples of your streams / recording? Even a link to your twitch or youtube channel so we can look at the past broadcast and quality of the videos/ streams. Thanks !

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