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KSI Father Jack

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Father Jack
  • Squad
    KSI Valiant GZ
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  1. I would have to say Morrowind / Oblivion / Skyrim. Reason I prefer the epic orchestra music. I feel that when I'm playing a game that has that specific music in it. Everything I do is just that much greater. It's like it takes the original game and intensify's it by ten fold.
  2. Name/Gamertag: IG Herbert Rank (If applicable): RCT Time spent on the forums (Daily):3 hrs Experience and Time in KSI: Within Global 3/5/14 Within United 18 months Skype (Required to be on Staff): JeremyDewey Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details) Im puntual. I have strong work ethics. I give 110% all the time. I get done what needs to be done with shear perfection. I also feel if chosen for this title I would be a execptional part of the team. AAP would benifit in having me as a co-worker. The reason it would benifit AAP is because of my work ethics. I feel that through said ethics it will motivate other co-workers.
  3. Welcome to the forums KSI Father Jack :)

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