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I am FuzzyMeep™

The Retired Fuzzor Guy
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I am FuzzyMeep™ last won the day on October 30 2024

I am FuzzyMeep™ had the most liked content!

About I am FuzzyMeep™

  • Birthday 12/26/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New Hampshire
  • Interests
    TWD, ASOIAF, GoT, Halo
  • Gamertag
    KSI FuzzyMeep 7
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
  • Division
    FuzzBall SF
  • Rank/Title
    Retired, Sadmin

Contact Methods

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I am FuzzyMeep™'s Achievements

Supreme Member

Supreme Member (4/4)



  1. I will be a witness. I have seen her name around the areas of KSI i still lurk in, they are always positive interactions. Thats it.... Naw just kidding, i got more to say She displays a plethora of knowledge of how the community functions while also maintaining the ability to evaluate and weigh out multiple ideas and concepts at a time. I definitely see her on a continuing path forward and upward within the community. She has clearly developed the reputation of someone trusted and who members can go to, and that is the truest markings of leadership, not leading the pact with a force or rank, but leading because they follow
  2. There are not many people i can say that I am proud and honoroed to have met and worked with.
    but everybody in KSI....you are one of the few people i can say of but if you can make me into a better man....then i can say if you read this then you are good enough to have known me through my ups and downs.

  3. miss you bud. hope your doing great!

  4. Would you be down to play some Halo 5 sometime?

  5. I miss you man hope you and he family are well and Im glad everything worked out for you!

  6. Thanks for contributions to CT 201 man.

  7. Miss You man. Hope you are doing well!!

  8. made you look beautyfull man

  9. I miss you.



      I would like to catch up with you some time, I ran across your KSI History we did years ago on my computer, hit me up if you can. Same number or on Xbox. Miss ya Brother. 


  10. Def more then three years here (feels like a life time)
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