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KSI Path 7

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Everything posted by KSI Path 7

  1. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hatter 77 - WD Link to forums account - @Hatter 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Hatter deserves this award for her outstanding work ethic. She does her best to help anyone in WD that is in need. From answering members questions to helping Gens navigate new territory she does it all. She cares about every member in WD and no matter what she has going on does her best to be there for everyone here. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI StarFire WD/Abbadon Link to forums account - @KSI StarFire Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI StarFire deserves this award because she is whole heartedly dedicated to her Squad. She dedicates herself to her work, officers, and members alike. She is always willing to be there when they need someone to talk. She never shy's from her work and is always looking for more ways to help her squad. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI JaxyBoi WD/Vaquish Link to forums account - @KSI JaxyBoi Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI JaxyBoi deserves this award because he puts everything he has into his roles. He puts 100% into everything he signs up for. He has come a long way since he first joined the officer staff and he continues to grow with each day that passes. He has learned when to take a step back when he is getting overwhelmed and to look at things from a outside perspective when it comes to problem solving. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI X#1161 WD/Vanquish Link to forums account - @KSI X Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI X deserves this award because he has been an outstanding member in Vanquish since he joined. He has been incredibly active and eager to learn from day 1 and has worked his way onto the officer staff from his efforts. He is a great example of what a member of KSI is and should be.
  2. To me when it comes to Starwars you always have 2 different groups. The ones who like the first 3 movies released the most and those who like the last 3 released (out of the original 6 movies). Personally I fall somewhere in the middle area where I enjoy all of them but for their own reasons. The last 3 I like more for the graphics of the scenery ect and the first 3 for the content of the movies.
  3. Gamertag: KSI Path 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Path 7 Award: Charity Gifter Part Time Gifter Baby Bit Donor Twitch Sub First Step Rolling Subscriber Enduring Subscriber 2023 Donor Out For Summer Merica Summertime Scorcher United We Stand Halloween Spirit Thankful For You Naughty Or Nice Fresh Start I love Me Luck Of the Irish Spring Chicken Identity Crisis (In place of May the 4th as I already have that one) Reason/Evidence: Sent Evidence to KSI Jewels 7 as screenshots of my wallet. (2 6 month subscriptions Spring Chicken will happen in 4 days once the 22nd happens, 1 x5 gifted subs, 1 x10 gifted subs, total of 2050 bits donated so far)
  4. We usually have an Easter Dinner and follow it up with an egg hunt for the young kids and a family picture with all the kids and grand kids having Bunny Ears
  5. Information on Nominee: Department: Discord Moderator Gamertag: KSI Joker 77 Link to Profile: @Joker 77 Qualifications: Nominee’s Current Rank: Senior Discord Moderator Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? Yes Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes Awards: Department Member Of The Month, Squad Spilltter, Captain Of The Month, Gen OTM (Divisional), Double Trouble. Testimony: Joker is 1 of the last 2 original Discord Mod teams when we stood this department up. Through all of the challenges we have faced so far with this department he has stood his ground and kept working. He is eager to help see the department grow and flourish in the way its supposed to. And his work ethic matches that drive. With his help we have renamed the support staff role for new hires, hired additional support staff, promoted new Discord Moderators, added additional areas to the Social area on Discord, and revised many of the roles and areas in the Community Discord area to make it more streamlined and efficient. Overall he is a crucial part to the Discord Mod team and will continue to be during his time here.
  6. Gamertag: KSI Path 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Path 7 Award: Highest of fives, I awards, Approachable, Forum addict, A rare find, Unspoken Rizz Reason/Evidence: I have got 61 awards on the forums and I have won 6 days in a row and I have 1003 posts on the forums too
  7. Gamertag: KSI Path 7 Forums Name / link: @KSI Path 7 Award: It's My Birthday Evidence: It's my birthday today
  8. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Crimson Award: Basic Training Profile Link: @ganjagamer Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Popo Award: Basic Training Profile Link: @KSI popo Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI xShooter Award: Basic Training Profile Link: @KSI xShooter Gamertag / Forums Name: KSIxONESHOTx Award: Basic Training Profile Link: @KSIxONESHOTx Gamertag / Forums Name: KSIxVenus Award: Basic Training Profile Link: @Brandonh52 Evidence Required: I hosted the workshop. @KSI Sub 7 KSI Popo's forums name has now been linked.
  9. This upcoming year I am going to be working towards being HVAC/R certified by taking my EPA 608 exam and getting any local HVAC certification I may need.
  10. I'd have to say the Christmas when my son turned 1. His first Christmas was 2 months after he was born so he wasn't able to participate in the festivities. But his next Christmas he got to unwrap gifts and the excitement and look on his face was great.
  11. Gamertag: KSI Pathfndr Link to Forums Account: @KSI Pathfinder Award: Fresh meat, Rising star, Getting Popular, Well known, Friendly, Ripple effect, On point, Round of Applause, Three cheers, Award hobbyist, All hail the pickle king, Mr. Color code, Pull the lever crunk, Canadian pride, The Double Agent Reason/Evidence: I have go 42 awards on the forums and i got 5,889 views on my profile too and I have won 4 days in a row on the forums too
  12. Host: KSI Pathfndr Attendance: GT: KSI Driftish Forums: @KSI Drifted GT: KSI JaxyBoi Forums: @KSI JaxyBoi GT: KSI Rita 7 Forums: @Rita Awards: CAPS Certified Proof: **Note posts were merged together instead of separate posts by the forums as the gamenight had not posted after submitting reply on the 18th.**
  13. Team Captain: KSI Pathfndr Division: WD Gamertag: KSI Torch096 Division: WD Gamertag: KSIJester Division: WD Gamertag: MRM0708 Division: WD
  14. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hatter77 WD Link to forums account - @Hatter 77 Reasoning why the deserve this - Hatter deserves this OTM because of her constant presence in the squad. No matter what is going on she is constantly pushing. From Fall Classic to getting the rest of the staff moving forward after our Squad Split. We have continued to move forward with her encouragement and persistence to get things going in the right direction. She is always willing to help her officers and members does as much as she can to keep things moving and growing. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sasuke08 WD Link to forums account - @Sasuke08 Reasoning why they deserve this - Sasuke deserves this OTM because since coming onto the officer staff he has been non stop involved. Helping where he can, bringing new ideas and suggestions, just looking to overall help the community and the squad. He has been working to push the squad and the officers in the right direction as much as he has been able. SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI JaxyBoi Link to forums account - @FuR God69 Reasoning why they deserve this - JaxyBoi deserves this OTM because of his overall dedication and involvement to Vanquish and KSI as a whole. I have sat a number of times in parties for over an hour talking to this guy about things to help with the squad, things he wants to do in the community and how he can achieve these goals. He is motivated and eager to help the community in any way he can.
  15. Workshop: Recruiting Hosted by: KSI Pathfndr Attendance: KSI JaxyBoi @FuR God69 KSI Efne13 @Efne13 Evedince: I hosted the workshop
  16. Division: WD Gamertag: KSI Pathfndr
  17. Date: 07/14/22 Workshop: Rank Structure Hosted by: KSI Pathfndr Award: Rank Structure Certified Attendace/ Forums Link KSI Prizm91 @KSI Prizm91 KSI MsLibra @KSI MsLibra2
  18. Most Memorable 4th of July was the first year my dad took me to see the fireworks for North East. It was the biggest fireworks display I had seen as a child and it was a great night.
  19. CaptainGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI NoBe (Vanquish WD)Link to forums account - @KSI NoBeReasoning why they deserve this - Since day 1 of me being back NoBe has been one of the faces I have seen the most. Checking in when others hadn't and helping me when and where he could. I've seen time and time again where he has stepped up and helped members and the staff with issues or questions they might have. He is extremely knowledgeable in KSI and does his best to help anywhere he can from Clan Ops to Drpartments he never backs down from the challenge.LTGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI BLITZ11 (Vanquish WD)Link to forums account - @KSI Blitz11Reasoning why they deserve this - Blitz has been a very active and crucial officer for Vanquish. During times when captains were unavailable he never hesitated to jump in and help. He has always worked to learn the next rank and is always living up to that standard. SSGTGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Holy (Vanquish WD)Link to forums account - @KSI HolyReasoning why they deserve this - KSI Holy has been an extremely active officer. He is working to learn his role and does his best to help the squad in any way possible. He has come a long way since first coming onto the staff and shows no signs of stopping.SGTGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI PandaLeafy (Vanquish WD)Link to forums account - @BootasiousReasoning why they deserve this - In the time I've gotten to know Panda he's been an amazing guy. He's always friendly and inviting. He's the type of member that if you send him an invite he'll be there. He may not stay for long but he shows up every time. He is always welcoming and extremely humble to boot.
  20. Name: KSI PathfndrLink to Forums Account: @KSI Pathfinder Award-/-Achievement: 2022 Donor, May the 4th Be With YouReason-/-Evidence: Donated $10 through Pay Pal link on forums. Donation was made in the month of May.
  21. Division Leader: KSI Hatter 77 Forums Link: @Hatter 77 Reason: Hatter has done nothing but dedicate her time and full effort into ES. From the moment I rejoined KSI I knew she cared about the divsion's well being over anything. No matter the cause of the difficulty. She was dedicated to ES. Pushing people to their limits to show them they had more to give. She deserves this award because of her whole hearted dedication to ES and the love of the community General: KSI Barb130 Forums Link: @KSI Barb130 Reason: There isn't enough that I can say about Barb. She is the hardest working individual I know, constantly always trying to figure out the next thing to improve, the next thing to focus on. The next thing. That's the kind of person Barb is, Always focused ahead. She's created ways to streamline processes that had been mundane or the little things that people dread doing. She has continuously given her all to Succubus no matter what was going on. ALWAYS. She deserves this award because of her total and complete dedication to the squad and her members. Lieutenant: KSI LONEWOLF684 Forums Link: @KSI LONEWOLF684 Reason: Lonewolf is for lack of a better word, an enigma. He came out of nowhere and immediately dove head first into his role. He has continued to work and support those around him time and time again. Dedicating his personal time to the squad. He stays up hours into the night for him as he's a UK member to be on for the members that are in the US so they have time to chat and play. He has never backed down from a new challenge as an officer and is always looking to take on more for the betterment of the squad and the members around him.
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