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AAP FC 2021 DHoF Nominations

KSI Starset 7

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Welcome to KSI’s Department Hall of Fame nomination process! This process will run similarly to KSI’s “Of the Month” and “Of the Year” awards, but with some minor tweaks.

You will only be able to nominate one (1) person in your department per time, so please choose wisely. To be eligible, the nominee must meet the following baseline criteria:

1)     Must currently be in the department they are being nominated for.

2)     Must be in the department for at least six (6) months.

3)     Must be in KSI for at least one (1) year.

4)     Not been blacklisted, security risked, or DNH’ed unless successfully appealed and overturned.

5)     Must have KSI gamertag.

Please make sure those criteria are met. You can confirm that criteria by visiting their profile and looking at their awards tab, or by asking the person you are nominating.

When the nomination process ends, AAP will confer and select up to two (2) inductees per department. They may choose less depending on testimony and evidence provided. Previous OTM/OTY/Award nominations will be considered when going over nominations.

This process will happen twice a year: 1) at Fall Classic in September and 2) Spring Break in March. You will only be allowed to nominate a person in YOUR department. You cannot nominate a member of another department, or if you are not active within Department Ops.

Please fill out the following to nominate someone for Department Hall of Fame:


Information on Nominee:

Link to Profile:


Nominee’s Current Rank:
Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months?
Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year?



Why does this member belong in your Department’s Hall of Fame? Please explain.

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Information on Nominee:

Department: AAP
Gamertag: KSI Venum 7
Link to Profile: @The ChadMin


Nominee’s Current Rank: AAP Staff
Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? Yes
Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes

Awards: like all of them


Why does this member belong in your Department’s Hall of Fame? Please explain.

He literally trained like everyone in aap. He trained me and I'm the former cohead of the department. He is former senior staff He's been on the staff for over 3 years as well.. He has a keen eye and always catches mistakes that are made on people's topics and if people verify something incorrectly. He verifies topics on the daily and is one of the most active members we have. He is by far the GOAT of AAP. He had also earned AAP Staff Department of the Month, which proves the leadership knows how good he was.

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Information on Nominee:

Department: AAP
Gamertag: KSI VENUM 7
Link to Profile: @The ChadMin


Nominee’s Current Rank:
Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? Yes
Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes


Hall of Fame


OS 1-3

Divisional Hall of Fame

Wed Ops Hall of Fame



Why does this member belong in your Department’s Hall of Fame? Please explain.


Venum belongs in the AAP Hall of Fame for a plethora of reasons. Starting off with his loyalty, he’s been in the department for 2 going on 3 years. He has been someone that from day 1 in the department hit the ground running and excelled at what he did. He has been an instrumental part in the AAP for such a longtime and has always been there to give advice, discuss, or help any staff member or regular member with anything they had in regards to the AAP. Venum has also been a great asset when it comes to the discussions for DHoF and OS nominations as his knowledge and insight really helps elevate others to a new level of thinking. He has been under many leaders in the AAP and has treated each and every one of them with respect and gratitude. I don’t think the AAP Hall of Fame would truly be credible unless this man is in there. He is more than deserving of it.

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