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KSI Igan - Bright Idea Award

KSI Hex 77

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Name: KSI Igan

Link to forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/13923-ksi-igan/

Award: Bright Idea Award


Reasoning: Igan deserves this award due to his outstanding idea of transferring the division of Demonic Mayhem from kik to discord. As previous users of kik, we were constantly running into the issue of squad chats being filled rapidly ( as per the 60 member cap per chat) which led to squads having multiple squad chats, members feeling left out or unwanted, and discrepancies from mixed messages being sent among chats or in one and not the other. Igan saw this issue and proposed the solution of moving to Discord where there is a more diverse platform, high maneuverability and functionality, no cap on members per server, and ultimately a better experience for both members and leadership. Since then, not only DM, but multiple other divisions have transferred from kik to Discord including LS, LW, and some of the departments of web ops as well. After proposing this idea, Igan has not only worked in constantly maintaining our server, but the servers created for other divisions as well as teaching members of leadership how to create and manage their own severs. This member absolutely deserves this award.  

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I am aware that discord has for the most part replaced kik and has been spreading around the community.

Now for verification can I get a leader or 2 to witness that Igan is going to be the one to get credit for moving KSI towards discord?

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I can personally witness to the fact that it was Igan's idea to move my division at the time, (DM) to Discord. Our div was the first to fully transfer over. Igan takes his personal time to help out every other division interested in the shift and usually has some type of admin role in all of them.

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I can attest to Igan being the main contributor for the switch over to Discord. Not only for DM but he personally convinced me to switch LS over as well. More than that he personally helped me set up the server and get it going. Igan was by far the person who convinced me the switch was the best idea, and it turned out fantastic.

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