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KSI BadKitty 7

Kat Scratch Fever
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KSI BadKitty 7 last won the day on June 23 2019

KSI BadKitty 7 had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Tacos, making tacos, eating tacos, thinking about making tacos while eating tacos, stealing your tacos, world domination.
  • Gamertag
    KSI BadKitty 7
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Contact Methods

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    KSI BadKitty 7#5474
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  1. Hey Kitty!! Idk if you're still around but you did my T&E application years ago

  2. Just stopping by to say hello. Hope you are doing well.

  3. Hey COO. Just wanted to stop by and call you COO. Because, you are pretty coo. Plus an l. Which equals cool. K bai. ♡ 

  4. So, I don't really go here anymore, but sometimes I like to come and sit at yalls table to steal all your snacks. Alot of you know that I have no issues adding my two cents to pretty much anything. Even if you don't want them, here they are anyway. Kitty's Two Cents: DntAskImAWaffle, also known as DntaskImAwfl, is well known to many, throughout all ranks and divisions of KSI. She repeatedly puts herself out there, whether that is in departments, or divisional events. DntAsk is looked up to by members of the community. She is also well known to members of the BoD, as she sends out the best motivational messages! If you need advice, she will give it to you.. even if you didn't really want it at the time, you will still come out better for it. Based on her knowledge of all things KSI, she is someone I know I'd be comfortable with leading the charge. I noticed my fave mention she won LT OTY, but didn't she also split the win for Spirit Queen? If she did, I couldn't pick a better person to fill those shoes. If not, I'm a little out of the loop these days. Forgive me, I'm old. Anyway. Everyone always says this to wrap up their statements.. but DntAsk FREAKIN DESERVES THIS AWARD!!! Thank you for your time. -Kitty
  5. Ahem... Just wanted you to know that I got on the forums. K bai. :hug:

  6. FOR RECORDS ONLY: Date of win: 4/20/19 Event Won: Smite 3v3 Joust Gamertag of winner: KSI Torch096 (2/3 WW Champ)
  7. Smite: 3v3 Joust Results: First: KSI Torch096 RUSTYMARSHMELOW Rupp Horde Second: KSI ANTI LEGION KSI LEGION Tis Logic Third: KSI Shadowo45 KSI Dundarrach KSI SiddsGODL3Y Attendance: DL: KSI Shadowo45 KSI Dundarrach KSI SiddsGODL3Y KSIfiremomma7 KSI ShadowV KSI DARKPARADOX ES: KSI Torch096 RUSTYMARSHMELOW Rupp Horde WD: KSI ANTI LEGION KSI LEGION Tis Logic Hosts: KSI Excalibur Streamer: KSI FireHeart 7
  8. FOR RECORDS ONLY: Date of win: 4/13/19 Event Won: Rocket League 2v2 Gamertag of winner: KSI x Nutty
  9. Rocket League: 2v2 Results: First: KSI x Nutty WickedMammal493 Second: KSI D3ADLLAMA2 xNun Ya Bidn3ss Third: MDYG slicc triggers Attendance: DL: KSI Dundarrach DM: KSI TyraTreXxuS KSI Vonner 7 KSI Blocky Voodoo iTL DW: KSI x Brownie KSI xKamikaze KSI Artifice KSI D3ADLLAMA2 KSI Bane 7 KSI Nebula 7 KSI x Nutty KSI SLATE KSI Durty ES: KSI OddBa11 KSI Squeek 7 KSI Jynxie KSI Torch096 LS: KSI CR4ZYJ4Y89 KSI Mayor 7 KSI Kratos18 KSI Walnut KSI Vort3x KSI WANT A TACO FetchMyNewspapr Malik19911987 MDYG SL: KSI Tigrex83 KSI MagicShadow KSI Dytto KSI Techz KSI Clueless KSI x elementrix WD: KSI Taywick 77 KSI Jamcam KSI Countryman KSI Kalakoi 77 YT Skys Hosts: KSI Akame 7 KSI Excalibur Streamer: KSI Excalibur
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