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Nebula 7

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Everything posted by Nebula 7

  1. Name: KSI xKamikaze Link to Forums Account: @KSI xKamikaze Award-/-Achievement: Pro Recruiter Reason-/-Evidence: Has recruited over 90 Members into KSI Another member that can witness: @KSI Gary 7 May possibly hit Master Recruiter (120 Recruits.)
  2. From the small side of Clan Ops I've seen from Jessi, due to us running Marketing together. I've seen her be with her members non-stop. Always playing, always brightening the mood in areas she joined. When she first got promoted to general, she took off! I heard stories from her Divison all the time when I was with EOs Parties In Marketing, She was in it since the beginning of the Resurrection of Marketing from VeRiiTaS. She slowly climbed up Marketing and eventually gained the Title of Co-Head of Marketing, and Earned her 7! Marketing was completely different afterwards! We had new events and new ideas coming from her and improvement in the activity of the department, people were working together, and doing stuff that other departments didn't do a whole lot that I know of, Jessii is in alot of places of KSI and has improved the places she visited. Jessi has earned her Outstanding Service award! She is a great example of what dedication can do.
  3. Name: KSI VENUM 7 Link to Forums Account: @VENUM 7 Award-/-Achievement: Silver Outstanding Service (LVL 2) Reason-/-Evidence: I've worked with Venum for a few months now, and he has shown without a doubt that he goes above and beyond the regular call of duty. When he was in Samurai, he worked day and night to make the squad go into what it is now, they split and made paladin, both squads are doing great and they are using the knowledge gained from the previous officer staff Venum, King, and Kamikaze made. With Venum As my Co-Founder he worked hard to make sure that Hannibal was completed all the tasks it was due to complete, whenever someone made a mistake he'd make sure they were explained and trained properly! Working with him as a Co-founder now, I see how much work he puts into each of his squads and then those he isn't over. He cares for each of the squads in the division and wants to make sure they all succeed, He stays up for hours to talk to someone who needs it or just helps them where need be, Venum is a great example of someone to look up to and learn from. He takes great pride in representing the Division the best he can, He is a hard worker when it comes to the Division, hes always up for teaching the people of DW and making them a better Leader as well as a better person! He's always down to be with the people of the division and play with them, or sit with them 1 on 1 and do a specific workshop or a certain part of training! I believe Venum deserves this award for his outstanding service, these are just things i've seen with working with him for a small time. I'm sure others will have more reasons to give this award to Venum.
  4. Could not find the required Witnesses, other witnesses couldn't find the names of the recipients. I Apologise
  5. Name: KSI Artifice Link to Forums Account: @KSI x Artifice Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: artifice has changed multiple gamertags for the people of his squad, Buying his Members Gamertags for Referrals
  6. Name: KSI Stargate V Link to Forums Account: @KSI Stargate Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: Has changed Members Gamertags to help the members who cant pay for them Has bought Games/Gifts for the members of his Squad.
  7. Name: KSI Nebula 7 Link to Forums Account: @Nebula 7 Award-/-Achievement: Capped Out Reason-/-Evidence: Co-Head over Marketing and in Graphics team, maxed of two departments. Award-/-Achievement: Friendly Reason-/-Evidence: I've won the day 8 times, with the requirement of 3. Award-/-Achievement: Approachable Reason-/-Evidence: Won 8 days, requirement of 5.
  8. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKing 77, DW Co-Fo, Samurai and Paladin Link to forums account - @KSI xKing 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - King has been working non-stop to revive the squad Samurai, working as its General and re-training all the officers, King has been running the welcoming community inside of DW and has seen a lot of Improvement within the Division!, even with everything bringing him down in life, he is still putting his all within the community, and it's not just the division he puts his heart in, PO and Rejoin staff are there as well, King has been a huge influence in the community in so many areas its insane! I hope in my future I can have as big of a impact as he does now! Keep it up King CPT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bane, DW Paladin, 3CPT Link to forums account - @King Bane reasoning why they deserve this - Ever since Bane has been in Paladin, he has been working hard, even I can see that. He has been hosting game nights left, right, and center, making sure that everyone in the division is together and playing, I truly believe that he has made a big improvement a pawn himself and the squad he's in now. The division wouldn't be the same without him, Keep it up buddy LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI x Brownie, DW Elysium, 3CPT Link to forums account - @KSI x Brownie Reasoning why they deserve this - I'm not in Brown's Squad, but I see him constantly working with the officer staff of Elysium, and he has been planning events for his squad and making sure everything is running smoothly. Although he is in Elysium, no one is in the squad officer core except him and Artifice, he has been learning how to be a Captain and has earned the rank! He is always striving for new information, Brownie is a great example for those Officers who chose not to give up when given a tough situation! Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxETR, DW Hannibal, 3LT Link to forums account - @KSIxETR Reasoning why they deserve this - Eddy was recruited in a bit ago, and recently has been pushing himself for improvement! And has recently been promoted to LT, Has always been up and ready to help the people of Hannibal and the Officers inside it, he's always open to help people inside of KSI and make sure they know what they're doing. Eddy has been a big person you'd see at events inside of the division! He's always trying to play with members and making sure they feel comfortable inside of the squad and the division. I hope that every Division has a Eddy in the future Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Harmony 7, DW Hannibal, 3CPT Link to forums account - @Nikki Cola Reasoning why they deserve this - Harmony has been someone I see in departments a lot!, Whether hosting Events for the Community, he the division she's in. Writing articles for the communities benefit, or interviewing people who've won these events (AAP). Or even being a Performance Officer and making sure everyone has the knowledge they need inside of KSI! She has been a huge influence on many in the community, and I believe that we should have more people like this in the departments! People who grab something they're interested in and giving it 110%!
  9. Team Captain: KSIxNebula Division: DW Teammate:KSI HAVOC 7 Division: DW
  10. Gamertag / Forums Name- KSIxNebula, @Nebula~ Award- Good Karma Evidense- Reached 100 Reputations on the Forums!
  11. Team Captain: KSIxNebula Division: DW Teammate: KSI GreendayFox Division: FI Teammate: KSI BLICKY 7 Division: FI
  12. Havoc is one of the people I look up to most in the community, Havoc has been very inspiring to me and many. From his short time here in DW, he sprung into action and has always made time for the members he recently met, whether talking to someone who needs help, or bringing people together via a game night with the division. No matter what hard ships he faces in his life he comes on and makes people happy. He recently got Co-Head of PO, which is his 2nd time being Co-Head in a department, Gandhi and Havoc have made PO very important in providing knowledge and bringing up the future leaders of KSI. While Havoc is also in HR, he is always willing to sit down with a member and talk to them, and help them when he can. Havoc also has helped train officers in DW, he truly cares about his members, He is always up for helping any squad in the division with their Officer Core. Havoc has been a Leader that I aspire to be, This man is one of the best leaders I've met, and friends I could of known. I'm sure he has done many other leaders that could grant him OS in the past, I've only known him for the time he has be here in DW, Thank you for being here and helping the Community as a whole @KSI Havoc 7
  13. Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze General of Paladin DW Link: @KSI xKamikaze Reasoning: Kam is all over the place, he's always helping people inside the community, and always puts 110% into each part of the community. His old Squad Samurai has recently spilt after their hard work! He is a big part of DW and the way it works. Kamikaze is always helping in whatever ways he can, whether talking to members when their down, to giving advice with his large amount of knowledge! Kamikaze has been going above and beyond for some time now, I think he deserves a light in the spotlight!
  14. KSIxNebula DW What are some things Members can look forward to in the future?
  15. Gary is a outstanding Leader, he has proven time and time again to go above and beyond the normal call of duty within the community! When everyone walked away from LW and left him here, he stayed and kept at it! he had to remake the division into the legendary standard it once had, Now there's DW, He has taken it with his persistence and made into a amazing division with his leadership running it. Gary has also made Productions a very active department within KSI, It now has a very prominent Staff and streams everyday for the Calendar. It has members in all the divisions which was one of the goals that the productions team was gunning for! Everyday he got on to do Productions activities, all while leading a division that wasnt doing so hot. Gary has improved many different areas of KSI, comes on every single day to give 110% to the community and its efforts, Gary is quite the oustanding member and leader within the division and the community. He is one of many members who go above and beyond the normal call of duty! Summed up, i believe that Gary deserves this award!
  16. Very Useful! Thank you for writing this up Kam! I'm sure alot of people will use it for their members!
  17. Performance Operation Award: @KSI Greg 7 ™ @VeRiiTaS 7 @KSI xKTMx Award to be Awarded: - Basic Training Reasons: All Members have Completed the Basic training Workshop
  18. Name: KSIxNebula Link to Forums Account: @Nebula~ Award-/-Achievement: Headhunter Reason-/-Evidence: Team Captain in DWs Headhunter WW2 Season Name: KSI Gary 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Gary 7 Award-/-Achievement: Headhunters Reason-/-Evidence: Team Manager for DW headhunter season Name: KSI HAVOC 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Havoc 7 Award-/-Achievement: Headhunters Reason-/-Evidence: Team Manager for DWs Headhunter Season Name: KSI Bane Link to Forums Account: @KSI Bane Award-/-Achievement: Headhunter Reason-/-Evidence: Member on DWs Headhunter Team Name: KSI Skychild Link to Forums Account: @KSISkychild Award-/-Achievement: Headhunters Reason-/-Evidence: Member of DWs headhunter team Name: KSI WaviestSnow Link to Forums Account: @KSI WaviestSnow Award-/-Achievement: Headhunters Reason-/-Evidence: Member on DWs headhunter team Name: KSI CK Sora Link to Forums Account: @KSI CKiller004 Award-/-Achievement: Headhunter Reason-/-Evidence: Member on DWs headhunter team Name: KSI Zombie98 Link to Forums Account: @KSI ZOMBIE98 Award-/-Achievement: Headhunter Reason-/-Evidence: Member on DWs headhunter team Name: KSI LeedleLee16 Link to Forums Account: @LeedleLee 16 Award-/-Achievement: Headhunter Reason-/-Evidence: Member on DWs headhunter team
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